Friday, May 28, 2010

Prince Blanket Jackson Pics 2010 Offers fresh pics of Prince, Blanket, and Paris Jackson from 2010!  The site owners have exclusive access to inside sources which gets you access to unique gossip and rumours that have now been confirmed!

Prince Blanket Info

Prince Michael Jackson II, aka Blanket, was born in February 2002. He is the 3rd child of pop star Michael Jackson. He has been a major celebrity in the news media as the veil of secrecy around his life creates great interest among many people.

Launch of Blanket Prince Michael Jackson Blog!

This blog provides information on the children of King of Pop Michael Jackson. We are excited about the launch and look forward to a long future. Please keep checking back as we update with the latest exclusive information from out inside celebrity sources. For now we offer you Where you can find information, pics, vids, and more relating to prince michael jackson I, blanket prince michael jacksjon II, and Paris Michael Katherine Jackson.